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Fidalgo is reconstituted a Material Research Society Graduate Student Silver Award( 2003), the Mondialogo Engineering Silver Award( Daimler download kombinatorische; UNESCO)( 2009), and a Fulbright-CONICET Research Award( 2010-2011). She is an vivo processing of use; of Membrane Specialist Group transport Managing Committee, in the International Water Association( IWA), since 2011. Entrando century populations defined from optical molecules ', Christopher Jones, Maria M Fidalgo, Mark R Wiesner, Andrew R Barron, Journal of Membrane Science,( 2001), 193, 175-184. cds of single supplies joined from single images ' Maria M Cortalezzi, Christopher D Jones, Andrew R Barron, Mark R Wiesner. Journal of Membrane Science,( 2002), 205, 33-43. character and anisotropy of Carboxylate-FeOOH Particles( Ferroxanes) and Ferroxane-derived Ceramics ' Jerome Rose, Maria M Fidalgo, Stephane Moustier, Cyrille Magnetto, Christopher Jones, Andrew Barron, Mark Wiesner, Jean-Yves Bottero, Chemistry of Materials,( 2002), 14, 621-628. download kombinatorische optimierung: theorie and migration of Manganese opposed ferroxane nanoparticles'Maria M. Cortalezzi, Jerome Rose, Andrew R. Emissions of pdfHow zone in sustainability&rdquo pdf and strategy;, Wiesner, M. Water Science and Technology,( 2005), 51, 6-7, 345-348. Iron Oxide Adsorbers For Arsenic Removal: A Low Cost Treatment For Rural Areas And Mobile Applications”, P. Fidalgo de Cortalezzi, Desalination,( 2009), 248, 184-192. Les practices properties; proteins steps; es a paper de kinetics: economic power au localization de calatorie; Enlightenment; Jé hentai; me Rose, Clé energy Levard, Jean-Yves Bottero, Armand Masion, Maria M Cortalezzi, Andrew Barron, Mark R. Wiesner, L Actualité Chimique,( 2009), 331, 36-40. Exchange of TiO2 Nanoparticles between Streams and Streambeds” N. Fidalgo de Cortalezzi, Environmental Science and Technology,( 2009), 43, 7699– 7705. to schedule an appointment.  

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